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About Aqist
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About Aqist


Aqist, a.s. provides IT solutions and services to companies active in the area of electricity, gas, heating, water and other public services sectors. From consulting through design, implementation to operation, and the complete outsourcing of information systems and services.

Aqist, a.s. is a competitive alternative to the suppliers of information systems built on transnational platforms, primarily for energy companies. A local software house with more than 100 developers is constantly working on the development of the Billien product, the individual modules of which are set exactly to the needs of utility companies. Successful references to the deployment of Billien in large-scale projects in Slovakia, whether in energy or transport, are proof of its benefits for the client.

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A-ctive and permanent improvement and optimisation of our processes
Q-uality - "Quality is more important than quantity"
I-ntensive development of effective collaboration with stable suppliers
S-ystematic increase in the expertise of our employees
To permanently ensure a high level of information security

Meet our managers

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More about the management


The management of Aqist, a.s. and its employees are aware of the importance of ensuring the quality of their work and provided services.

By establishing and adhering to the highest standards of quality in company management processes, Aqist, a.s. achieves a high efficiency of the work and performance of its employees.

Through their ongoing internal control and supervision by accredited certification bodies of compliance with the established rules in the company, Aqist, a.s. is able to develop solutions for its customers, taking into account their needs and requirements as much as possible.

Aqist a.s. has the following established and maintained systems:

ISO 9001:2015
ISO 14001:2015
ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018
ISO/IEC 27001:2013
ISO 37001 : 2016
ISO 45001:2018

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